A good Christian woman uses discretion. It matters not if her personality is bold by nature or timid—a Christian exercises tact, finesse, and good sense. Yet, what to do if you are a woman who tried to use discretion but find yourself being intimidated or coerced by women who are of a “stronger” personality? I have found myself in situations such as this and often feel very frustrated as I walk away knowing I have been had, put on the spot—or that I did not express myself as I should have. Instead, I cowered and berated myself for what I should have said. You know, you’re not necessarily being Christ-like when you timidly shrink away. There is a proper way to respond and that in a Christ-like manner. Once again, we can rely on the Word of God for instruction in these matters.
First of all, to the woman who is of a pushy nature: Sadly, your reputation precedes you. If you are known for anything, it is your “steam rolling” personality. In most cases, you are causing the people with whom you associate and even some of your friends to be “on guard” when they’re around you—maybe even to steer clear of you altogether. You need to change some things if you don’t want to be known as someone who intimidates others. Stop and think, “Is my opinion all that matters here?” “Am I being ‘preachy’ or pushy?” “Am I making this person feel uncomfortable?” As Christians, we are to make others feel at ease around us. We should be approachable, not repelling.
Now, for those who are on the receiving end because you tend to be more timid than others—it’s time to exercise some godly, Spirit-controlled boldness! Too often the gentler spirits are fearful. It’s not sinful to disagree sometimes or to say, “No.” You’ve got to ask the Lord to fill you with courage—in the right way—so that the next time you are in a situation or conversation that is making you feel more uncomfortable minute-by-minute, you’ll have the presence of mind and Christian discretion to give a kind but firm answer.
May Christ be seen in all of us.